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What is keeping you from being happy?

Mental health is something that has been termed a “taboo” topic for many years. However, it is time to change that. With the pandemic that hit the world unexpectedly in 2020, many people were faced with a great challenge: staying at home and learning how to manage their thoughts. The mental health of many was challenged beyond belief during this time and still is to this day. However, due to so many people being afraid to talk about mental health, they faced an even bigger challenge: they were not able to find peace or happiness. When dealing with mental health challenges, not being able to speak to someone about it feels like you are being chained down and you cannot break away. It strips you of your happiness because you feel alone and isolated. This is why mental health must be talked about more and must be normalized. We all face battles in our life that we have to push through and mental health plays a large role in this. Finding happiness is something that so many strive for, but I believe that mental health is a ginormous part of being happy. During these times, you must know that you are not alone. You are loved, you are great, and you are certainly not out of the ordinary. So many people feel the exact same way as you. Many sites have started to bring forth the conversation of mental health and make it feel even more inclusive and open to all people, like sites for teenagers who are struggling with mental health. Even with social media being on a constant rise, it makes it even more of a struggle for people to stay strong. However, when on social media, try finding the good in these sites and talk to someone that you trust who will be there for you during hard times. On my site Teenage Mental Love, I received many survival stories of people who said that the posts that were shared on social platforms stopped them from harming themselves, which absolutely made me feel so happy for them. It’s not about the views or anything, it’s about how many people feel that they are not alone and that they are worth it. In my interviews, an actress from Disney Channel stated, “We sometimes look at those on social media, especially actors and actresses, and envision that their lives are perfect. However, they are just like everyone else. Being an actor is a job that is filled with hard work and passion, many ups and downs which can really affect someone mentally. However, if you stay strong, you can do it.” This was a quote that resonated with me because it showed how everyone is fighting battles together yet delegate, but we are never alone.

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