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Mental Health Journaling Prompts

Recently, I have been attempting to indulge myself in new hobbies that will positively impact my mental health. One of the most beneficial that I have tried is journaling. I have been practicing journaling for about a month now, and it is such a nice way to avoid my phone in the morning and destress at night as well as reflect on my feelings and keep my thoughts organized. When I first started journaling, I stared blankly at my paper because I had no idea what to write about. If you share a similar experience of wanting to write but not knowing where to start, continue reading to find a plethora of simple journaling prompts that pertain to mental health and self-growth to assist you in your ideas.

1. Happy

Begin by writing the word “happy” largely in the center of a fresh page. (This is a long-term prompt that you will continue to come back to.) Each time you smile at something, a moment, an object, etc, write it around the word happy. This practice allowed us to reflect and remember the tiny things and moments that make us happy throughout the day.

2. Write about a moment you wished you could live on repeat.

3. Write about one person you are grateful for.

4. What do you love about yourself?

5. Affirmations

Affirmations are the practice of positive thinking and self-empowerment. Create a space in your journal when you can write daily affirmations. If you are unsure what an affirmation may look like, here are three I consistently use.

“I am worthy of happiness.”

“I am on the track to success.”

“I have people in my life who love me.”

6. How can you ensure you are filling your cup before others?

7. What frustrated you today? How did you work through it? How would you work through it differently in the future?

8. Set one goal for the week and explain how you will achieve it.

If you have not found anything that sparks your interest here, I suggest using Pinterest for more inspiration. By typing in “Journaling prompts” or “Mental Health Journaling Prompts” you can find hundreds of thousands of ideas. With that, if you have any prompts that you would like to share, please do not refrain from doing so down below!

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